Friday, June 26, 2009

After becoming God’s (with unswerving devotion) is no work remaining for us to do?

Question:   After becoming God’s (with unswerving devotion) is no work remaining for us to do?

Swamiji:  Does any work remain to be done thereafter? Think about it. Only work remaining is God's work, since He is the master of this entire Universe. Why is it so difficult to offer at the lotus feet of our Master what already belongs to Him? We claim these things are ours. But for how long will they remain ours? At the end they will be only God's. Therefore while living itself, with a true heart, entrust everything back to God, then you will live in joy.

These five golden principles are real and genuine. From today let us take hold of these principles. "Sarva bhavena maam bhajati" and with complete feelings (bhava) and with our entire being worship only God. With all intentions, purpose and feelings, if we are doing only God's work, it will become unswerving devotion (avyabhichaari bhakti).

Source: "Art of Living" by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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