Friday, June 5, 2009

Sri Rama Gita

Many of us may not be aware that Maharishi Veda Vyasa has also compiled the story of Lord Rama, and this is called ‘Veda Vyasa Ramayana’. Rama Gita forms a part of ‘Uttara Kanda’ of this epic.

Sri Rama Gira is in the form of a dialogue between Lord Rama and his brother Sri Lakshmana. It consists of Sixty Two Slokas and promotes the vendantic doctrine of ‘Absolute Unity’.

‘This birth’ says Sri Rama’, is the result of prior actions. Action increases attachments and it cannot destroy ignorance. Ego is fed by our actions and it leads to further involvements such as ‘I am doing it’ and ‘I did it’. This goes on endlessly.

‘Some people argue, that knowledge and Action, are inter-dependant and complementary, which are not correct’.

Divine knowledge exists independently of Action and remains a ‘Witness’. Action depends on the senses to ‘work’ while action may give you a sense of achievement, only knowledge can give you a sense of ‘Bliss’

The feeling that ‘I have sinned’ or ‘I am sinful’ comes from a body-mind-ego level. This in turn leads us to perform rituals to get rid of that sin. But the learned know that ‘Atman’ is never sinful and no rituals are necessary. The wise people perform these rituals only to promote general wellbeing.

However, without a feeling of sin, we have to fully discharge the duties enjoined on us by the scriptures and then seek a Master to attain Divine Knowledge. At that point, drop all action (Karma) and hold on to knowledge (Jnana). Become a witness, not an actor.

Sri Rama Gita relies more on knowledge, than on Action or on Love, to achieve Bliss.

Source: More Light on Less Known Vol 1 – page 117

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